European Projects

The overarching motivation of the POMEIL project is attributed to the identified challenges faced by immigrants and refugees in their equitable access to the labour market of their host countries and thus their overall socioeconomic integration.

The POMEIL aims to generate a replicable and accessible gamified digital screening mechanism to identify skill gaps of immigrants and refugees in terms of key entrepreneurial and cross-cultural competences and offer personalized learning pathways.

POMEIL will harness the empirically proven potential of both game-based and simulation-based assessment and learning in the form of digital escape rooms with real-life scenario simulations.

The project also targets the competence building of educators in terms of innovative and engaging digital learning methods utilization and individual learning pathways creation, adaptable to needs and backgrounds of diverse learner populations, through their training on the POMEIL resources, as well as through the development of an innovative Capitalization Guidebook which will offer detailed guidance on creating game and simulation-based assessment and personalized learning pathways, ensuring transferability of the project results beyond our target beneficiary learner group.

The POMEIL project has been designed as a targeted solution towards the seamless socioeconomical inclusion of immigrants and refugees in their host countries, with a special focus on Ukrainian refugees, as it proposes the creation of engaging game- and simulation-based assessment and learning resources, which will foster two crucial key competence areas; entrepreneurial (aligned with EntreComp) and crosscultural competences.

Work package n°1 – Project Management

Work package n°2 – POMEIL Competence Map

Work package n°3 – Development of POMEIL training package

Work package n°4 – Pilot of the POMEIL digital escape rooms

Work package n°5 – Dissemination, Exploitation & Sustainability Activities

Project number: 2024-1-NO01-KA220-ADU-000244470

